Commercial: impugnation procedures of social agreements, liability of administrators, dissolution of companies, corporate disputes, judicial resolution of commercial agreements such as distribution and agency agreements.
Civil: civil liability, precautionary measures, procedures and remedies before national and European courts, judicial resolution of civil contracts, easements, restraining orders.
Tenancies: evictions, claim of unpaid rents, return of unpaid bonds, resolution of contracts of lease and sale, arras claim, contesting of agreements of community of owners.
Construction: claim for damages by construction defects, construction defects.
Family: proceedings of separation, divorce, modification of measures, exequatur for the recognition and enforcement of judgments; incapacitation, guardianship.
Labor: representation in labour proceedings before the courts of the Social, layoffs, termination of contracts (ERE), contracts of top management, modification conditions of work, social security.
Administrative: proceedings before the Administration and the courts and judicial appeals.
Criminal: precautionary measures, economic crimes, crimes related to labour activity, violation of trade secrets, actions against piracy and counterfeiting.
Banking: mortgage executions, abusive clauses, clauses floor and ceiling, swaps, preferred.
Intellectual and industrial property: precautionary measures, actions of recovery and/or cessation of trademarks and patents, actions for acts of unfair competition.